LITERARY COACHING. If you have a large writing project you’re stalled on, or that keeps getting away from you, I can help. If you have an essay or manuscript that needs a pair a fresh eyes for, I can help. If you’re looking for help in building and sustaining a deeper writing practice, I can help. Writing is a struggle - I can give you direction where you need it, ask probing questions that will help you get your bearings and plunge ahead, and always provide a friendly set of eyes to give your work - in whatever state of completion or lack of it - a careful and critical read. I will take your work seriously - perhaps even before you’re able to do so yourself.

PRESENTATION & PERFORMANCE COACHING. Public speaking is up there with bereavement and divorce on the list of Stress Inducers. I have been performing and speaking publicly for over 20 years, and have helped many folks to become more adept and confident in front of a crowd. If you have a big presentation at a conference coming up, or if you (or colleagues) have identified presenting/speaking as a skill that needs developing, hit me up. I can help. Imagining them in their underwear can only take you so far - I can give you other things to try, ideas to consider, and simple tactics for combatting nerves.